Bernie Najar Interview 79

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Bernie Najar Interview 79

BernieNajarTop 100 Instructor Bernie Najar joins us on episode 79 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Bernie believes that technology is great but that as an instructor you should not be tied to it in all that you do.Since his start in the golf business in 1994,  Bernie’s goal has been to promote the game of golf through his instruction program. To do this, he spends a great deal of time refining his skills and learning from the game’s top instructors by observing lessons, taking lessons, attending seminars, and investing in speciality certifications.  Another influence on Bernie’s teaching philosophy, is studying techniques of the best players in the world.  To do this, Bernie has compiled a large data base of tour swings that he studies on a regular basis.  Bernie’s database consists of PGA, LPGA, andCHAMPIONS TOUR players that he has personally filmed at tour events throughout his career. Additionally, he has a great deal of footage of the game’s all time greats that he has compiled over the years.  Watching the best players in action has always been a tremendous influence on how he views the many combinations that have worked for the best players in the game.   In terms of swing technique, Bernie evaluates students based on a series of ball striking and short game shots that pinpoint their current pattern relative to their goals.  Along with this, he evaluates their body motion and structure to better understand how they will move in the swing.  Based on the findings, he recommends adjustments that are geared towards producing solid contact and repetitive ball flight patterns, regardless of swing shape.  Over the past 20 years, Bernie has taught full-time and has given lessons to a wide-range of golfers from beginners to aspiring tour professionals. Through these many experiences, Bernie has helped golfers improve and maintain their skills regardless of ability.

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