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Better Tempo Leads to Better Shots


impactroseConsistent tempo in your swing is a must to get the most out of your shots. When tempo is constant it not only helps you stay in sync but also gives you control over your shots. A great drill to use is to swing the club about six inches above the ground. Make three full swing back and forth all the time keeping your balance at the finish. This will help you fine tune your tempo and help you build speed and balance without going at the shot 100%. You will find that on the third swing you will be some where around 70% of your full power and remain in balance at the finish. You should  hold that finish for about three seconds. If you can do that then you are in total balance and your arms and core will be in sync with one another. That third swing in balance will be the swing tempo your should try to achieve on every full swing you make. This goes for every club wedge to driver. You must have a consistent tempo along with a balanced swing to stay in control and get the most out of what you have to offer to your game. If you like our blog please share it on social media and leave any comments below as to the topics you would like us to cover. We are here to help grow the game and help you take control of your game!

image-1Bernard Sheridan is the founder of Par Breakers Golf Academy and Host of the weekly golf instruction podcast ” Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan” on iTunes and Stitcher radio.
Golf Channel Swing Fix Instructor – Advanced Impact Zone Certified Instructor – The Putting Zone Certified Coach – 4 Elements Putting Certified Instructor – 3 Jack D-Plane Certified – Mizuno cCertified Club Fitter
Body Balance Fitness Instructor – Swing Guru 3D Consultant

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