Brad Pluth Interview 83 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan

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Brad Pluth Interview 83 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan

Brad P putt

TPI Level II, ACE Certified, US Kids Master Instructor

In recent years, Brad could be found on the lesson tee at Congressional Country Club, Maryland, The Raven in Arizona, Glen Lake Golf and Practice Center in Minnetonka, Troy Burne Golf Club in Wisconsin,  and Minnetonka Country Club. He was the captain of the Central College Golf team and continues to compete in mini-tour and section events. Currently he is helping people achieve their golfing goals at The Golf Achievement Community at Bluff Creek in Chaska, MN.

Brad believes in measuring improvement for each individual while ensuring they have fun, freedom, power and belonging. To accelerate the learning process he strives to create this type of safe environment for each program. Just like no two people are alike, no two programs are exactly alike. Everyone should be treated as an individual since everyone thinks, feels, and observes the world differently.

Brad is dedicated to eduction and is an Authorized Instructor of The Golfing Machine (GSEM), ACE Certified Personal Trainer, IYCA credited Youth Fitness Professional, and TPI Level II Golf Fitness Professional. He also created and is the Director of the Minnesota PGA Teaching Division and serves on the Education and Growth of Game Committees.

Contact Brad -Call or text (952) 401-GOLF (4653) to schedule your time or e-mail



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