Home/Blog, Breaking Par Podcast, Podcast/Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 182 Brian Stoyer of ‘Fix Your Divot” Interview

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 182 Brian Stoyer of ‘Fix Your Divot” Interview


This week on Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan our guest is Brian Stoyer the founder and creator of Fix Your Divot divot repair tool. Brian takes us on the journey of when he came up with the idea for this simple but innovative product. it mounts to any putter shaft and includes a ball marker and divot tool. There are unlimited options for logos and is a great giveaway or gift item for golf outings and private or public golf clubs. This simple product fits the needs of golfers and makes it easy to find without having to keep it in your pocket or be fumbling around to find it in your bag.

Contact –https://www.fixyourdivot.net/

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