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Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan One year Anniversary

Golf Ball FallingBrian Manzella




One Year Anniversary Show with Brian Manzella!

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan celebrates it’s one year anniversary this week with it’s 52nd episode. As the shows host I would like to thank all of the guests who have appeared on the show so far. Also all of the listeners who make this show possible. I have a great passion for golf instruction and am honored to have the chance to bring you this show on iTunes and Stitcher radio each and every week. I look forward to every time I turn on the mic and learn from all of the great guests who are on. Their insight and knowledge into the game is vast. It is my hope to continue to bring you the listeners the best content available in the world of golf instruction for many years to come. To listen to our show just go to iTunes or Stitcher radio and type in Breaking Par or just visit our podcast page on this site. https://www.breakingparpodcast.com. This weeks guest interview is an extra long show with Brian Manzella. Hope you enjoy it and spread the word out there to let your friends and family who love the game so they can enjoy all that podcasts and this show have to bring.


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