Chuck Evans Interview 78

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Chuck Evans Interview 78

chuck-gm-5skChuck Evans Interview Episode 78 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan

Since 1970, Chuck Evans Golf has provided world class golf instruction to golfers of all ages and abilities.  These players have lowered their handicaps, improved their driving, iron play, and putting. They have learned how to hit pitch shots like the Pros and they have NO fear of bunker play!

Chuck Evans Golf has helped players from rank beginners to the game’s top touring professionals.  Extraordinary knowledge combined with his ability to explain the 5 Simple Keys in a clear and concise manner is why he is a GOLF Magazine Top 100 Teacher.

All told, Chuck Evans Golf has helped players from the PGA Tour, Champions Tour, LPGA Tour, European Tour, Nationwide Tour and various mini-tours with their games.  But his heart is in helping junior golfers and players that are not already great players!

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