Dr. Glen Albaugh has created a unique Applied Sport Psychology Consulting Service for a wide range of professional and amateur golfers. Glen taught sports psychology at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California for 28 years where he coached the Pacific Tigers golf team. It was during this time, while working with the finest sports psychologists, coaches and golf instructors in the world, that he formulated the basis for the principles in his renowned book, which was authored with Michael Bowker, Winning the Battle Within. These principles have been refined over the years through applications and consultations with established touring pros, and a broad-base of amateurs – juniors to elite. Dr. Albaugh gives us some great information in this weeks interview on Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. He talks the mental game and how you can get the most out on the course.
Contact- Dr Glen Albaugh – http://wbwgolf.com/about-dr-albaugh/
Buy the book – http://wbwgolf.com/book/
Whether you’re a scratch player, a high handicapper, a veteran, or new to the game, you’ll find Winning The Battle Within to be a very useful and comprehensive golf- psychology handbook. In writing Winning The Battle Within, Glen Albaugh and Michael Bowker have reduced the reams of information Dr. Albaugh gleaned in years of studying and practicing applied sports psychology into an easy-to read and, better still, easy-to-understand guide for the recreational and serious golfer.
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