Home/Blog, Breaking Par Podcast/Fritz Johnson Interview 105 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan

Fritz Johnson Interview 105 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan

1625505_10203506062557344_932839220_nFritz Johnson has come up with a way to customize any putter to any player. His Anatomic Hosel allow players to adjust the putter to work perfectly with their stoke. many players on tour have the option to have their putter matched perfectly to their stoke for loft and lie angle. This device does just that. To find out more click on the links below. Before you know it you can get this awesome device to help you with your game.

AdvancedBook a Lesson iconBernard Sheridan is the host of Breaking Par and teaches as an Advanced Instructor at Impact Zone Golf World Headquarters located at 1040 Collier Center Way  Unit 14

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