98% of the players that play the game of golf have some type of what we call ball bound factor. This is trying to control what happens at the point of impact.
The goal is to forget about the ball as our main focus point. In order for us to play our best the ball is one of the last things we should be thinking about in our golf swing. We need to think more about target or nothing for that matter.
In all other sports the ball is the focus because it is in motion. We must keep our eye on the ball in order to just make contact. Because the ball is in motion our body becomes reactive to the ball.
Things happen at a quicker pace and there is no time to think only time to react. This is what we need to achieve in golf. To get our body and mind in a reactive mood as it will allow our natural athletic self execute the motion.
Many players have too many internal thoughts on positions or points of the swing. I’m sure that when you learn other sports there are points in the motion that you need to understand but you have to allow them to happen in a natural order. You can’t be thinking about that motion while you are trying to produce it.
The way we measure Ball Bound Factor is for a student to make swings with a ball and measure the low point of the divot in relationship to the ball. Then do the same without a ball. In most cases we will see the low point move forward without a ball and as soon as a ball is introduced the low point begins to move rearward. This is the key to finding your level of ball bound factor.
This can help with moving the low point to four inches ahead of the ball. This will improve contact point along with angle of attack and path. We must remember that impact is not a destination. We just pass through during the swing. If our face to path and low point all happen correctly then we will achieve the desired result.
So here is a way to test your personal Ball Bound Factor.
Place two lines on the turf.
One is the center of the ball the other is four inches ahead of the center of the ball.
Now take a shot and measure the low point of your divot. The divot should star at the line where the center of the ball was and move towards the target. The widest and lowest point of the divot should be four inches ahead of that line the ball was sitting on at address. Now do the same without a ball only the two lines. Make a full swing same as when the ball was there and now check your low point. If you can get your swing bottom to be 4 inches ahead without a ball this is proof that you were capable of creating a forward low point and your swing.
The difference between the two is your personal Ball Bound Factor score. If it is three inches with a ball and four without then your Ball Bound Factor is one inch.
How can we improve this? Move your aim point ahead one or two inches. In other words, if you’re looking at the back of the ball when you strike it now look two inches ahead and see if this helps move your low point forward. I like to look about three to four inches ahead of the ball and try to brush the turf to feel my swing bottom forward in my practice swing next to the ball. This helps me feel that low point. Then I repeat the process with the ball in the way. I don’t have a hard focus on that low point. But I also don’t have a hard focus on any particular thing throughout my swing. I just have an awareness of the low point and an awareness of the target and repeat the feeling that I had in my practice swing. Give this a try to help improve your low point and your impact.
Schedule your lesson with Bernard Sheridan by calling 239-236-5536. Can’t get to Naples Florida in person? We can do online lessons also and you will see a huge improvement and improve your dynamics which will improve your impact.
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