Home/Tag: Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan

Keep track of your scores to improve your game

Keeping track of your scores can help you better understand where you are losing shots and what part of your game need improvement. Here is a sample of how to get a few stats on your game. F.I.R. Fairways in regulation. If you hit the fairway place a check if you miss an X. You

When to Focus to Play Your Best

Many players know that they have to focus to get the most out of their game. The problem I see is most players don’t know when to turn it off. We have to remember that the average round of golf for eighteen holes is over four hours. That’s a long to to focus on just

Does Your Golf Game Make You Feel Like A Blockhead?

Golf can be a confusing sport. Sometimes we feel Like we know absolutely nothing about the game and wonder why we even play. Let’s face it nobody wants to feel like a Blockhead. So with all the information that is out there on the Golf Channel and in Golf magazines it’s hard to sift through

Bryson DeChambeau’s Confidence is Key

Bryson DeChambeau is on a run and there are many who think it is his Swing that has lead to three wins on the PGATour in 2018. Bryson has worked hard to fine tune his swing so it is repetitive and holds up under pressure. I believe the real key to Bryson’s Run is due

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 187 Darin Hovis of Par4Fitness

This weeks guest on Breaking par with Bernard Sheridan is Darin Hovis. Darin is the founder of Par 4 Fitness located in Naples Florida. His passion is helping golfers of all abilities to achieve maximum performance on and off the golf course. Darin has overseen LPGA Tour, Web.com, PGA Tour Latino America, PGA Tour Canada,

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 186 Terry Hashimoto Boditrak

This weeks on Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan the founder of the pressure mat for sports including golf BodiTrak Terry Hashimoto. Terry is from Canada and talks about how he came up with the Boditrk pressure mat and how it can help players and instructors alike to better understand what is going on with ground

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 185 Rick Wright Putting

Rick Wright joins us for episode 185 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Rick is the creator of the Putting T- Bar training aid and The Putting Laser Optics used to improve a players aim and is a great practice and teaching tool. Rick has been working with players of all skill levels for several

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Sam Adams Interview Episode 184


Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 183 Bradley Converse of Bradley Putters

Bradley Converse of Bradley Putters joins us for episode 183 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Bradley worked for 10 years as a military contractor designing military equipment to survive nuclear blasts. in December 2016, the company he worked for told him  that he would have to move to Virginia to keep his job. He

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 182 Brian Stoyer of ‘Fix Your Divot” Interview

  This week on Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan our guest is Brian Stoyer the founder and creator of Fix Your Divot divot repair tool. Brian takes us on the journey of when he came up with the idea for this simple but innovative product. it mounts to any putter shaft and includes a ball