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When to Focus to Play Your Best

Many players know that they have to focus to get the most out of their game. The problem I see is most players don’t know when to turn it off. We have to remember that the average round of golf for eighteen holes is over four hours. That’s a long to to focus on just

Golf Tips – Get Target Focused to Score

If we look at the top players in the world or even at your club they have a different mind set on the course then the average player. The average player is to worried about trouble and not to hit into trouble. The first thing they  do when they come to a hole is to

What is Your Golf Games Best Asset?

We have many assets in our game some players are great off the tee. Hit it long and and hit over 50% of the fairways. Some players are good iron players. They hit it high with a soft draw and hit many greens in regulation. Some are saved by their short game and can get