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Keep track of your scores to improve your game

Keeping track of your scores can help you better understand where you are losing shots and what part of your game need improvement. Here is a sample of how to get a few stats on your game. F.I.R. Fairways in regulation. If you hit the fairway place a check if you miss an X. You

Pre-round Preparations

Many recreational golfers arrive at the course and check in then drive out to the range and hit a few wedges ,7 irons and a few Drives then with a few minutes before their tee time roll a few putts. There are many who don’t even give themselves enough time before they tee off to

Learning the Game or Making a Swing Change

If you are new to the game of golf and just starting or have been playing for years and begin to take lessons improvement take time. Most players think that a few lessons will get them on the way to playing much better. What we must realize is that any change in a motor skill

Should you hit down on irons and up with woods?

We have all heard we have to hit down at the ball with our irons. But when we feel like we are hitting down the result can not be what we want. I see many players hitting fat or thin with this thought  process.    It is true the an iron is moving in a

Know your carry distance to shoot lower

Know your carry distance to lower your scores I see many players practicing on the range and feel that a shot is a success if it goes in the distance of their intended target line. Direction is very important but how about distance. Many players are short of their target even on the range and

When to Focus to Play Your Best

Many players know that they have to focus to get the most out of their game. The problem I see is most players don’t know when to turn it off. We have to remember that the average round of golf for eighteen holes is over four hours. That’s a long to to focus on just

Points to Check in Your Golf Swing

Many players video tape their swing when they practice. They go back and look at it to check different points throughout their swing. As a golf coach I have seen thousands of swings over the last twenty years that I have been teaching. There are many points of the swing to look at but here

Be Your Own Coach When You Play

The one thing about golf is that once you are on the course it is only you out there. That is unless you are a Tour Player. Tour Players have caddies. The carry the bag, make sure the player has what they need. Keep the equipment clean. But most importantly they exchange advice with the