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Reaching your Golfing Goals

We all want to improve our golf game to move to the next level. It doesn’t matter if we are a scratch player or 15-20 handicap. We all want to shoot lower scores and become more consistent at our skills. Most players that are higher handicap might play once a week and go to the

Planing Course Strategy for Lower Scores

  One of the keys to shooting lower scores is pre round preparation. That process first starts long before the round takes place. In order to play your best and shoot lower scores there are several bits of information you need to know about your game. First is knowing the average distance you hit every

How are your Pre Round Preparations?

Most golfers have a pre round preparation before each round they play. But unfortunately most golfers don’t do a lot to get ready to play their best before their rounds. In this day and age most of us are busy and our time is limited. We rush to the course check in, rush to the

Golf: How is your takeaway?

We all know we don't hit the ball with our back swing. With that said I notice in a high percentage of amateur players get the club too far inside on the takeaway. I believe that is because in their minds they want to strike the ball from a in to out swing path. So

When to Focus to Play Your Best

Many players know that they have to focus to get the most out of their game. The problem I see is most players don’t know when to turn it off. We have to remember that the average round of golf for eighteen holes is over four hours. That’s a long to to focus on just

Improve your Tee Shots

I have been teaching for over twenty years and have seen many different swings and many different ways to make the most out of your game. The one thing that I notice is that many players get into a habit when they are on the Teebox. No matter what hole they are on they go

Points to Check in Your Golf Swing

Many players video tape their swing when they practice. They go back and look at it to check different points throughout their swing. As a golf coach I have seen thousands of swings over the last twenty years that I have been teaching. There are many points of the swing to look at but here

Be Your Own Coach When You Play

The one thing about golf is that once you are on the course it is only you out there. That is unless you are a Tour Player. Tour Players have caddies. The carry the bag, make sure the player has what they need. Keep the equipment clean. But most importantly they exchange advice with the