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How are your Pre Round Preparations?

Most golfers have a pre round preparation before each round they play. But unfortunately most golfers don’t do a lot to get ready to play their best before their rounds. In this day and age most of us are busy and our time is limited. We rush to the course check in, rush to the

Play Like A Champion

  The first thing you have to do to play like a champion is to think like one. Your mental state can make or break your round no matter how good your swing is. But how does a champion differ from the average player? First is how they prepare before their round. We don’t have

Should you hit down on irons and up with woods?

We have all heard we have to hit down at the ball with our irons. But when we feel like we are hitting down the result can not be what we want. I see many players hitting fat or thin with this thought  process.    It is true the an iron is moving in a

Improve your Tee Shots

I have been teaching for over twenty years and have seen many different swings and many different ways to make the most out of your game. The one thing that I notice is that many players get into a habit when they are on the Teebox. No matter what hole they are on they go

Quick Fixes Won’t Last

  So many players are looking for a quick fix for their game. The problem with a quick fix is it is a band aid. You would never use a band aid to fix a huge cut. It works great for a scratch but not for a gapping  wound. You slice or duck hook is