Home/Tag: Jordan Speith

Does Your Golf Game Make You Feel Like A Blockhead?

Golf can be a confusing sport. Sometimes we feel Like we know absolutely nothing about the game and wonder why we even play. Let’s face it nobody wants to feel like a Blockhead. So with all the information that is out there on the Golf Channel and in Golf magazines it’s hard to sift through

Golf Tips Control Your Speed on the Putting Green

Putting is a game within the game. It has a huge impact on your score and accounts for 40% of your total shots. So it is a good idea to get good on the greens if you will ever shoot low scores. They are of course some basics that need to be followed if you

What is Your Golf Games Best Asset?

We have many assets in our game some players are great off the tee. Hit it long and and hit over 50% of the fairways. Some players are good iron players. They hit it high with a soft draw and hit many greens in regulation. Some are saved by their short game and can get

Peter Kelbel Interview Episode 141 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan

Peter Kelbel of Wallon at Lake Country Club joins us for episode 141 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. In addition to being the head professional and an extremely busy instructor at the Walloon Lake Country Club for the past 27 years, Pete Kelbel also coaches the boys and girl’s golf teams at Harbor Springs

Breaking Par 117 Peter Weisel

            Peter Weisel Interview Episode 117 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Peter is the Junior Golf Coordinator at Roanoke Country Club in Roanoke, VA. A life long athlete, Peter has been playing golf since he was in high school in New Jersey. After playing college golf for Roanoke College (Salem,

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 98 Liam Warburton

Author and coach Liam warburton of Complete Player Golf in the U.K. joins us for episode 98. Liam's book"Think Well Play Great" is on the mental game and how to become a complete player. Complete player Golf is also an online program that can be reached here  Complete Player Golf     Bernard Sheridan is

Breaking Par 92 Rob Noel Interview

Rob Noel Top 100 teacher joins us for episode 92 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Rob teaches out of Money Hill in Abita Spring Louisiana. Rob offers Fast First swing speed training along with AimPoint putting. Rob has been a golf teaching professional for 28 years. He shares with us how to build speed

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 88 Brandon Stooksbury Interview

Brandon Stooksbury joins us for episode 88 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Brandon Stooksbury is the author of  "The Wedge Book" a comprehensive look at short game and how it can help you lower your scores. We talk about his new book and also how Brandon changed his major goals in life from studying

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 87 Brandi Jackson Interview

Brandi Jackson has played the game since she was 8 years old. She spent several years on the LPGA Tour and now she works helping other players reach that goal. Brandi Jackson works to consult, coach and mentor aspiring junior golfers to help them achieve their dream of playing collegiate golf. She has guided players to

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Wayne Watts Interview 84

Wayne Watts Joins us for episode 84 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Wayne has been teaching for several years and has worked side by side with Lynn Blake for five years. We talk about the swing and how Impact Zone and the Golfing machine can help you get the most out of your game.