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Know your carry distance to shoot lower

Know your carry distance to lower your scores I see many players practicing on the range and feel that a shot is a success if it goes in the distance of their intended target line. Direction is very important but how about distance. Many players are short of their target even on the range and

Think of the Golf Swing Like a Train

I am the type of instructor who like to use metaphors to get my point across. I believe that metaphors help players relate the swing to things they are familiar with. This make whatever we are working on easier to grasp and execute. I see most of the players that come to me have problem

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 163 Mark Williamson Interview of Golfer’s Toolbox

This weeks episode 163 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan we are joined by the owner of The Golfer's Toolbox Mark Williamson. The golfer's toolbox is a training aid that has so many uses to help you with you game. From alignment to stretching to swing plane. It can help you with your full swing