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Pre-round Preparations

Many recreational golfers arrive at the course and check in then drive out to the range and hit a few wedges ,7 irons and a few Drives then with a few minutes before their tee time roll a few putts. There are many who don’t even give themselves enough time before they tee off to

How are your Pre Round Preparations?

Most golfers have a pre round preparation before each round they play. But unfortunately most golfers don’t do a lot to get ready to play their best before their rounds. In this day and age most of us are busy and our time is limited. We rush to the course check in, rush to the

Preparing to Play a Round of Golf

Most of us who play golf once a week get to the course about a half hour before our tee time. We check in and get around 10 minuets to warm up maybe hit a few balls on the range. Then quick to the putting green to roll a few putts then off to the