Home/Tag: Putting Zone

Preparing to Play a Round of Golf

Most of us who play golf once a week get to the course about a half hour before our tee time. We check in and get around 10 minuets to warm up maybe hit a few balls on the range. Then quick to the putting green to roll a few putts then off to the

Be Your Own Coach When You Play

The one thing about golf is that once you are on the course it is only you out there. That is unless you are a Tour Player. Tour Players have caddies. The carry the bag, make sure the player has what they need. Keep the equipment clean. But most importantly they exchange advice with the

How to Lower Your Score Quickly

We all want to shoot lower scores. In order to do that you will have to improve many aspects of your game. If you want to break 100 you have to improve your ball striking. Of course that is obvious but how can you do that? First is making sure you are taking a divot

Are You Putting Where You Aim?

  Starting your putt online to your intended target is one of if not the most important things you can do to improve your putting. The most important things in Putting is aim and speed. Many of the top players on both the PGA and LPGA Tours know that getting your ball started down its

Golf Tips Control Your Speed on the Putting Green

Putting is a game within the game. It has a huge impact on your score and accounts for 40% of your total shots. So it is a good idea to get good on the greens if you will ever shoot low scores. They are of course some basics that need to be followed if you

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 183 Bradley Converse of Bradley Putters

Bradley Converse of Bradley Putters joins us for episode 183 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Bradley worked for 10 years as a military contractor designing military equipment to survive nuclear blasts. in December 2016, the company he worked for told him  that he would have to move to Virginia to keep his job. He

Fritz Johnson Interview 105 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan

Fritz Johnson has come up with a way to customize any putter to any player. His Anatomic Hosel allow players to adjust the putter to work perfectly with their stoke. many players on tour have the option to have their putter matched perfectly to their stoke for loft and lie angle. This device does just

Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 89 Sam Froggatte Founder of Eyeline Golf

Sam Froggatte interview 89 on Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Sam Froggatte started to make training aids to help his kids play better golf. he never thought it would turn into Eyeline Golf. One of the most successful putting training aid companies in the world. Today his training aids are used on the PGA, LPGA,

Craig Foster Interview 77

           Craig Foster aka "Dr. DynAlign " joins us for Episode 77 of Breaking Par with Bernard  Sheridan. Craig is the founder of a method that helps you get perfect alignment in putting and chipping. A repeatable and consistent arc stroke can be made when the arms, hands, and golf club move in

Better Tempo Leads to Better Shots

  Consistent tempo in your swing is a must to get the most out of your shots. When tempo is constant it not only helps you stay in sync but also gives you control over your shots. A great drill to use is to swing the club about six inches above the ground. Make three